Why Move 你的 Money to a Credit Union?

Why Move 你的 Money to a Credit Union?

In today’s world, 人们把钱分散在几个不同的金融机构是很常见的. 例如,许多人经常把支票或存款放在一个机构,而把贷款放在另一个机构. 钱包里放多张不同机构的信用卡就更常见了.  

While this is a common practice, especially in today’s digital world, 在同一家金融机构开设账户和贷款是非常有益的,原因有很多.  

申请个人贷款时,一个重要的考虑因素是它是否会损害你的信用评分. 这不是一件可以掉以轻心的事情,因为你的信用评分可以在几个不同的方面影响你的生活.

Benefits of Using One Institution

把所有的财务账户都放在一个机构,这对很多人来说已经足够简单了. 然而,还有一些经常被忽视的福利,包括:

  • Money Management. 当你所有的账户和贷款都在一个地方时,跟踪所有事情就更容易了. 从储蓄和支出到每月从你的账户中取出的账单, 从一个位置监控一切的能力节省了时间,并提供了安心.
  • Transferring Funds. While our digital world makes transferring money simple, 如果是在同一家机构的账户之间转账,就更快捷、更容易了. You can make loan payments, transfer money from your savings to checking, and more with just a few quick clicks.
  • Organization. Whether you’re applying for a loan, doing your taxes, or researching an error on your credit report, when all your statements and histories are in one place, the process becomes so much easier.
  • Relationship Building. The more services you utilize at a financial institution, 您对所有可用的工具和功能了解得越多. 同样的, 金融机构对你的财务状况有更好的了解, which can aid you when you apply for loans in the future

Switching 你的 Accounts to San Francisco Federal Credit Union

而把你的账户转到gpk电子游戏官网确实需要你做一些工作, the steps are actually quite simple to complete. 下面列出了你需要做的事情,以便简化切换账户的过程.

储蓄 & Investment Accounts

If you plan to transfer your savings or investment accounts (money market or certificate accounts) to the Credit Union, you simply need to withdraw this money from your existing account. 一个简单的方法来完成这一点是要求你目前的机构的本票. Then, stop by one of our branches to open your account(s) and deposit the money.

It’s important to note that certificates 定期存单通常在一段特定的时间内被锁定. 因此, 在期限到期之前,您可能无法从活期账户中提取这些资金而不受到罚款.

检查 Accounts

你的 checking account is typically your most important account since it’s used regularly. 首先,你要么去信用社开个免费账户,要么 open the account online or on your mobile phone or tablet. Like your savings and investment accounts, 您可以申请银行本票提取资金并存入您的新支票账户.

While this process seems straightforward, 转账支票账户时,有一个方面你不能忽视——自动付款. 许多人定期从他们的支票账户中支出, such as insurance payments, 抵押贷款, 肥厚性骨关节病变与肺部转移费, utility bills, or car payments. 最好在你的活期账户上存一些钱一个月左右,以确保在你有机会与这些公司进行转换之前,这些经常性付款不会再打到你的账户上.

Automated Payments

Many consumers use auto-payments for a variety of bills, from their streaming subscriptions to loan payments. If you’re using automatic payments, 你要确保你立即在你的gpk电子游戏官网账户上设置这些. 要做到这一点,只需登录到每个业务的帐户并更改您的账单信息.

As mentioned previously, 最好在你的旧支票账户里留一些钱,以防你忘记换账单或供应商已经开始付款.

Direct Deposit

直接存款是一种方便的方式,可以将你的薪水直接以电子方式发送到你的信用合作社账户. 当你把支票账户转到gpk电子游戏官网时, 你要做的第一件事就是更新你的直接存款信息. 


  • 你的 credit union account number.
  • Routing number of the credit union.

通常, the process is pretty quick for your employer to initiate; however, it may take one payment cycle to take effect.


Online 账单支付 is a convenient platform for paying all your bills electronically. 你可以设置每月的付款自动从你的账户中取出, or you can manually make the payments online. To switch your bills to your new credit union account, you’ll need each vendor’s account number and address. Once entered, you’re ready to start making payments.

Vehicle Loans

Switching your 汽车贷款 to the credit union not only makes it easier to maintain, but you’re also likely to save money as well. San Francisco Federal Credit Union, like most credit unions, usually offer better interest rates than banks, along with great term options. 所有你需要做的是带来你目前的汽车贷款文件,GPK电子游戏将处理其余的!

Credit Cards

你现在的银行可能有信用卡,你想把它转到gpk电子游戏官网, especially since we have the lowest interest rates in the country! This is an easy process to complete. First, you’ll need to apply for a credit card. 然后,一旦获得批准,要求将你当前的余额转到信用合作社. The Credit Union can usually complete this task for you. Plus, we have no balance transfer fees!


If you have other loans you want to transfer to the Credit Union, you need to simply bring in the current paperwork and apply. 然而,值得注意的是,并非所有的贷款都很容易或值得转移. 例如,你的抵押贷款可能会要求你再融资,并可能支付结算费用. 因此,最好和信用社见面,看看你的选择. In many cases, 再融资 may save you a significant amount of money. Other times, it may be best to keep your current 抵押贷款. GPK电子游戏的团队将能够根据您的独特情况帮助您做出正确的财务决策.

We’re Here to Help!

成员 gpk电子游戏官网的会员可以享受到各种各样的经济福利, such as lower loan rates, higher savings yields, and many services provided at no cost. 作为一个 not-for-profit financial institutionGPK电子游戏的目标是帮助您做出正确的决定,以确保您的长期财务成功.

如果您对将您的帐户或贷款转到gpk电子游戏官网有疑问, we’re ready to help. Please stop by any of our convenient branch locations 或者拨打415-775-5377,GPK电子游戏会很乐意为您提供帮助.

每个人的财务状况都是独一无二的,GPK电子游戏鼓励读者在寻求有关所讨论的产品和服务的财务建议时与信用合作社联系. This article is for educational purposes only; the authors assume no legal responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the contents.

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